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Chain of Events. Cause and Effect. We analyse what went right and what went wrong as we discover that many outcomes can be predicted, planned for and even prevented.
With John Chidgey.
Chain of Events. Cause and Effect. We analyse what went right and what went wrong as we discover that many outcomes can be predicted, planned for and even prevented. This is Causality and I’m John Chidgey. An electrical engineer by degree, Chartered Professional Engineer in Electrical, Information, Telecommunications and Electronic Engineering, with a passion for fault finding, root cause analysis and above all else, learning lessons from our collective mistakes. Because when we don’t understand our collective history, we’re doomed to make the same mistakes, over and over again.
I’m the creator, writer, researcher, host, editor and producer of Causality. My goal: not only explore what went wrong with major incidents that occurred around the world throughout history, but to explore what people, real people that could have made a difference at the time, what could they have done differently to prevent that from happening. How can we design things better? How can prevent incidents from occurring. From Titanic to Challenger, from Piper Alpha to Flint Michigan, from Bhopal to Deepwater Horizon, there are always things we could have done, to prevent them.
No actors, no sound effects, no re-enactments, no nonsense. If you’re an engineer, an operator, a designer, a developer or a person that’s just curious and cares, I hope you’ll join me as we discover that many outcomes can be predicted, planned for and even prevented. I’m John Chidgey. This is Causality. Thanks in advance for listening.
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