4: Where Do Americans Stand on LGBT Rights?
Support for transgender rights has increased in recent years, but the path from overall support to legal action has not been as seamless. A 2019 survey by PRRI found that 62% of Americans said they have become more supportive of transgender rights in the last five years. Majorities of every major religious group additionally reported that they had become more supportive of transgender rights over the last five years, including evangelicals.
Ahead of Pride Month, we’re doing something a little different on the podcast this week. This episode will feature an interview from 2019 with Melissa Rogers, author and expert on religion in American public life, about the then-new PRRI survey on LGBT nondiscrimination protections. We explored what the report of 1,100 Americans told us about where the nation stood on LGBT equality, the issue of religiously based service refusals, and the gap in support between LGBT rights and legal action.