315 - Coin Concede “The Deadmines!”
On Episode 315 We have new cards!! Join us as we go on a trip into the Deadmines - though also we have to cover the giant 21.6 patch notes and cover the Masters Tour winner! The second half of the show is all about card reviews - and for you Duels lovers out there, tune in to our bonus episode this week which will include a developer interview!
News - 8:38
- 21.6
- Deadmines
- Mercs Updates
- BGs
- Duels
- Arena
- Battle Ready Decks
- Cariel Book of Mercs
- Bug Fixes
- Hotfixes
- Blizzcon Cancelled
- Blizzard Stuff
- Btag Name Change
- Iksar AMA
Tournaments - 49:35
- MT Stormwind
- Qualifiers
- Ladder
Decksplanations- 52:50
- New Cards
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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