[Rebroadcast] Ep.6 - From 2D to 3D -- augmented reality data visualization
Augmented reality will change the way we experience data. But, what will this new reality look and feel like, and how can we take advantage of it to make better decisions? Tune in to this episode of Making Data Simple to learn about augmented reality data visualization from Ben Resnick and Alfredo Ruiz, members of the IBM Immersive Insights team.
00.10 Connect with Al Martin on Twitter (@amartin_v) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/al-martin-ku)
00.25 Connect with Benjamin Resnick on LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/benjamin-resnick-7b602b7b), view his online profile (http://benjaminresnick.com/), see his medium account (https://medium.com/@benjaminresnick) or email him at resnick@us.ibm.com
00.45 Connect with Alfredo Ruiz on Twitter (@alfredoruizc), LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/alfredoruizc), view his profile (http://www.aruizdesign.com/), see his medium account (https://medium.com/@alfredo.ruiz/) or email him at alfredo.ruiz@us.ibm.com
01.40 Learn more about the Blue Unicorn Initiative at http://www.blueunicorn.nl/
02.30 Connect with Rob Thomas on Twitter (@robdthomas) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/robertdthomas) and read more of his work on his blog https://www.robdthomas.com/
02.40 Connect with Jay Griffin in LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-griffin-43094711)
02.45 Watch Elon Musks video at http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-first-principles-2015-1
03.50 See Visualizing High Dimensional Data in Augmented Reality at http://bit.ly/2xkdZpS
04.20 See image of Daenerys looking at the map of Westeros at http://bit.ly/2yLdY1k
21.20 See Benjamin and Alfredo's award nominations here:
- Information is Beautiful Award
- https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/showcase/2189-ibm-immersive-insights
- Driven by Design:
- https://drivenxdesign.com/next17/project.asp?id=16128
22.10 Find The Fourth Transformation by Robert Scoble at http://amzn.to/2iV2JtR
22.30 Find Ready Player One by Ernest Cline at http://amzn.to/2xlgjwO
23.00 Find Made in America by Sam Walton at http://amzn.to/2gzl5A2