92: E92: Inappropriate Behaviours: Emotional Relationships, with Tony & Alisa of ONE Extraordinary Marriage
This week, Rich & Aindrea continue their series on Inappropriate Behaviours in relationships. But this week they are joined by special guests and marriage experts, Tony and Alisa of the ONE Extraordinary Marriage podcast to discuss emotional affairs.
How do emotional affairs stop? When are the lines being blurred? Why is it so important to make your partner or spouse your first port of call for ALL things in your life? Listen as we delve into this with Alisa and Tony. Discover more about them at: https://oneextraordinarymarriage.com
How do emotional affairs stop? When are the lines being blurred? Why is it so important to make your partner or spouse your first port of call for ALL things in your life? Listen as we delve into this with Alisa and Tony. Discover more about them at: https://oneextraordinarymarriage.com