38: E38: Meet the Couple - Nyla and Lawrence
This week, Aindrea & Rich have a really special episode for you. Two very special guests join the podcast - Nyla and Lawrence, a long distance couple currently trying to close the distance.
Nyla lives with her two daughters in Wales, UK and Lawrence lives with his own two daughters in Florida, USA. Throughout the interview, the sparkling couple shares their amazing story, along with LDR tips and advice, as well as some in-depth visa information.
You can learn more about Nyla and Lawerence’s long distance journey on their instagram page, @themitchells18.
We were really touched by Nyla and Lawrence’s journey, and we wanted to find a way to help. Because Nyla will be moving with her two daughters to Florida, the visa costs are much more expensive than just one person trying to immigrate on their own. We’ve set up a Go Fund Me page for the couple to try and help them finish raising the funds they need for the visa application process.
If you were moved by their story too, it would be fantastic if you could spare even £5 or $1 to help them as they prepare to apply for visas to bring their family together - for good!
Click here if you want to help: https://www.gofundme.com/the-mitchells-to-close-the-distance
Click here if you want to help: https://www.gofundme.com/the-mitchells-to-close-the-distance