Soul Setting Your Goal Setting
Whether you are setting goals for your personal life, for your business life, your health or even your spirituality – soul setting your goal setting is a process of mapping out clear, value based, concise goals. This is the first key step to successfully achieving them. Without clear goals you quite probably will end up misdirected on what is that you want to achieve. This misdirection could easily lead you down the path of stagnation or worse yet…. Helping someone else achieve their goals while you keep wishing and dreaming. In this episode I will explain an easy CHARTT process for setting your goals and give you the 14 questions you HAVE to answer in order to insure your goal is the right one for you RIGHT NOW! - CLICK & LISTEN then COMMENT & SHARE!
Think Successfully & Take Action! Tracy 'Ace' Brinkmann The Ace Up Your Sleeve