Turning YOU Around To Get Back On Track
In today’s tech laden world I am sure nearly all of you have taken a trip using a GPS navigation system. Basically you plug in your destination then through the magic of technology and some satellites high in the sky your route is plotted. You are given a step by step turn by turn route from where you are to where you want to be.
Now here is where we silly human separate from that GPS system. If you make a mistake… miss a turn or turn early or even turn the wrong way… the GPS doesn’t brow beat you for the mistake. It doesn’t tell you that you should just go back home cause you can’t follow directions. It doesn’t tell you that you should give up on reaching your dreams or your destination. NO, instead it recognizes then error re-routes you, giving you new steps to take to get you back on track. Steps like “at the next available opportunity make a YOU turn.â€
This is the kind of mentality YOU need to have about all areas of your life. Your health and fitness, your finances, your relationships, and on and on. Look you are going to make wrong turns... If you are on a diet you are going to make a left to the chocolate cake… if your finances are the issue you will make a right to the bad investment, if it’s your relationship you going to merge into a stupid fight over nothing and probably even use the “whatever†off ramp. – CLICK & LISTEN then LIKE & SHARE!
Think Successfully & Take Action! Tracy “Ace†Brinkmann http://YourSuccessAtLast.com