66 :: Open Relating, Female Choice + Gender Harmonics with Rakhem Seku
Rakhem Seku got his sexual education like many of us, from porn and the movies. This is what drove him as a sexual being. When he married his wife at 25 their sex life was OK, maybe a C. 10 years into their marriage they started studying tantra, which opened things up for them sexually and otherwise. For Rakhem, tantra also began a journey of him expanding and deepening his understanding of what women desire, and who women are as sexual beings. Join us for a powerful and juicy conversation about men, women, sexuality, relating, honesty, dispelling myths and having it all on Episode 66 of Ignite Intimacy! About Rakhem: Carl E. Stevens, Jr. (aka Rakhem Seku) is a metaphysician, life and love coach, and author. Through the JujuMama Love Academy, Rakhem and his wife Kenya teach the Bagua Astrology System (BAS) and applies metaphysical concepts to support people in creating the lives they desire. Married over twenty years with 3 children, Rakhem has been on numerous television and radio shows and has a degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA in finance. Contact: Email: mail@jujumama.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rakhemseku Website: http://www.jujumama.com JujuMama Love Academy is located athttps://jla.jujumama.com?affcode=12691_hqk4yz_w Resources: Rakhem’s Books can be found at http://amzn.to/2Bh87QG Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Dawn-Stray-Modern-Relationships/dp/1491512407