60 :: Embracing Self Love with Kelsey Avalon
Kelsey Avalon grew up surrounded by mystics, healers and seers in her immediate family, who’s origin is of the Maori tribe from New Zealand. Her upbringing led her to travel extensively around the world studying ancient rights and rituals, ceremonies and traditions. Our conversation is a deep dive into the self, self love, self focus in order to create more intimacy in our lives and attract the love and romance that we desire. This is a deep and real exploration into how our actions, intention and energies impact our lives and that of the whole. About Kelsey: Now based in the UK, counsellor, bruja, and author Kelsey Avalon has her roots deep in the Maori-Australian culture of folk wisdom and native healing. Practicing the Maori art of Korero in her client practice, Kelsey offers counsel, Tarot, astrology, and bespoke therapeutic sessions. Website Kelsey's book, Moon Magic