58 :: Slut Shaming, Desire + Open Relationships with Lesley Tavernier
I was referred to female empowerment coach Lesley Tavernier by a fellow listener of the Ignite Intimacy Podcast. He was spot on when he told me she’d be a perfect guest for our show. This is a particularly juicy episode people! Tune in as Lesley shares her experience from being completely unsatisfied with sex and her perceived inability to orgasm, to the journey that brought her deeply in touch with her own body, her own pleasure, sex work and wildly fulfilling (and transparent) relationships. Join us as we dive deep into sexuality, desire, open relationships, slut shaming and more on Episode 58 of Ignite Intimacy! About Lesley: Lesley Tavernier is a Feminine Empowerment coach who specializes in helping women to love being a woman. That is, she supports women in honoring, embracing and enhancing their relationship with themselves, their bodies, their male partner(s), their children, their female friends, their relatives, strangers and of course, with Source/God/Divinity. Her mission in life is to support women in re-claiming their mental, emotional and sexual POWER and reuniting sex with spirituality. Lesley resides in Toronto, ON, Canada with her two teenage sons and is currently in an open relationship with two incredible men. Website Facebook YouTube