52 :: Me Too, Pussy Power + The One with Josefina Bashout
Josefina Bashout is a Pussy Priestess Goddess Powerhouse!! Wow! This woman has so much passion and energy, insight and knowledge. She has risen from the ashes time and again, transforming each time into a more full, divine and authentic version of herself. I first had the pleasure of meeting Josefina when she and Sierra were leading ‘Pussy Church’ in Venice Beach, CA. I was moved and inspired by the way they held this sacred container, which gave each of us space to open up, share, connect, heal and have fun! We’ve attempted to get this conversation on the calendar several times and it finally happened! Josefina is here to clear the pathways of sexual trauma for generations past, present and future. Join us on this episode as we dive deep into healing sexual trauma, pussy power, the ‘Me Too’ movement and discovering how we, as human beings, want to play with, flirt with and interact with each other! About Josefina Bashout Widely known as Pussy Priestess, International Educator, certified Akashic Record Practitioner, Sensual Empowerment + Intimacy Coach, Josefina Bashout is dedicated creating a life that's meaningful, pleasurable and filled with love. She teaches her clients how to cultivate empowering relationships with self and others on a mind, body, spirit, and soul level. To learn more Josefina's her work and any upcoming events, visit JosefinaBashout.com Instagram: @pusssypriestess Facebook