27 :: L.O.V.E. Lighted, Orgasmic, Validated a Evolving with Lucia Paxton

The passionate Pleasure Warrioress Lucia Paxton and I expand our pleasure vocabulary and soften our viewpoint of pussies from one of shame and judgement to one of honor and love. We explore our need to surrender to our womanly pleasure by dispelling the myth of the need for a tight, “perfect” pussy and move to a place of acceptance of our beautiful selves. Discover the importance of elevating ourselves and others, and the freedom and light that comes from making the choice to apprecialove our universe in a pleasurable way. Celebrate you and all that you are on Episode 27, L.O.V.E. Lighted, Orgasmic, Validated a Evolving! About Lucia: Lucia Paxton is a Sensuality Instructor and Pleasure Coach who, with her husband Trevor, founded California based Luscious L.O.V.E Life. Together, they teach women and couples about the path to pleasure through sensual gratification, pleasurable communication, and a woman’s orgasm. A lifelong lover of learning, Lucia has 15 years of research in the fields of communication, relationships, sensuality and female orgasm, and has personally experienced over 5,000 hours of female orgasm! For more information, please visit: Luscious L.O.V.E.Life: www.lusciouslovelife.us Luscious L.O.V.E. Life Facebook group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/730626237079120/ To Schedule a Complimentary 45 Minutes "Make Pleasure a Priority" Discovery Session : https://jumpstartyourlusciouslovelifediscoveryconsult.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?appointmentType=2660344   References: The Great Wall of Vagina: Changing female body perception through art www.greatwallofvagina.co.uk Corinne Loperfido www.instagram.com/corinneloperfido Sophia Wallace - Cliteracy http://www.sophiawallace.com/cliteracy-100-natural-laws Mama Gena - Pussy: A Reclamation http://www.mamagenas.com/newbook/ Andrea Barrica - O. School https://www.o.school/ Wendy Petties - Good Girls Do! http://www.wendypetties.com/

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