Gwen Lytle :: A New Sense of Pride
Mrs. Gwen Lytle is more than just an amazing teacher, she's down for anything and when she's passionate about something it shows! Taking on the role as Pinckney High School's Bass Fishing Teams teacher liaison and manager she assists in communicating with the school's athletic department, makes sure the anglers are registered with their respective organizations, and even organizes the teams fundraisers, apparel and volunteers.
Learning from those around her, Gwen and her team have made the Pinckney High School Bass Fishing team a 'hot commodity' at the school and has given some of the team members a new sense of pride! There is much more to come from this fast growing high school bass fishing team including a trip to Nationals!
To see information on the Pinckney High School Bass Fishing Team check out the athletic department's website:
If you or anyone you know wants to start a bass fishing team at the high school level and have questions, send us a message!
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