EP001: Introducing Modern SexTalks and The Intimate Lifestyle
Like us on Facebook and Instagram! And check out our growing Resource page. Today’s show we’re simply welcoming you to our podcast, Modern SexTalks. We’ll be telling you what motivated us to start making changes, and start interviewing the experts in the fields of sex and intimacy for you (and for us…we like sex stuff!). We touch on slut-shaming that women go through, and some blunders that could have been prevented if we had better sex education while growing up. We hope you enjoy our show! We certainly enjoy doing these for you, and if you have any feedback for us, we would LOVE to hear from you. We’re pretty new to this whole podcast thing, and we want to give you the best experience possible, so all feedback is welcome. You can email us at info@modernsextalks.com, or at info@theintimatelifestyle.com. Thanks for listening! Now go be confident, playful and sexual.