AB 11 | Audiobooks Enriching Thoughts and Actions with Amy Robles

Site: http://www.audiobooks.com/podcast  | Email: podcast@audiobooks.com Welcome back to the Audiobooks.com Podcast! This week we are joined by Amy Robles of Think Enriched, a podcast dedicated to money management. As a self-described former spender, Amy attributes the motivation to getting a handle on debt largely to some very influential audiobooks. We are so excited to share Amy’s insight into the unique experience audiobooks afford and her recommendations for books in a new genre. MONEY MANAGEMENT The spectrum of a single genre is tremendous and we love to explore new realms of those spectrums here on the Audiobooks.com Podcast. This is the first opportunity we’ve had to dive into the money and wealth management genre, but it is interesting to see how relevant previous discussions have been to where the conversation takes us this week. Coming off of audiobooks like Do the Work by Steven Pressfield and Purple Cow by Seth Godin, Amy’s experiences with money management books is familiar. Although books and audiobooks relate the same core material, the experience we have while absorbing the information can be extraordinarily different. The most obvious differences are factors like the act of listening versus reading or having someone else manufacture intonation of the narrator and characters, but there also is the factor of sharing the listening experience with one or more people. Amy shares a great story about a long drive home after a vacation, shared with a close friend, in which they listened to a chapter of You’re Broke Because You Want To Be by Larry Winget. Her story is such a great example of how sharing the experience of listening to an audiobook can both help pass the time and instigate conversation that might not happen otherwise. There is something about that shared experience that creates a different level of conversation than a typical book club. We love hearing stories about how listening to an audiobook opened up opportunities for discussion. Got one to share with us? BRAIN CANDY We absolutely love this new genre of books Amy introduced to us! Brain candy books, as Amy describes them, are books that can help pass the time while performing tedious tasks. In her situation, she had taken up quilting and in one week made it through all four Twilight books. Imagine all the books we could listen to while doing basic household chores! From mowing the lawn to vacuuming to dishes, pop in an audiobook and make those multi-tasking braincells do some work. The mention of Twilight got us talking about a host of fantasy and science fiction brain candy books! While neither Amy nor Addy are big science fiction fans, they can appreciate books like Twilight and Harry Potter, even if their preferences are in other genres. And, as Amy says, it’s okay to like what’s good for you! TAKEAWAY As usual, we ask our guest about what she’d spend that one credit on if she had it. In line with other recommendations like The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, Total Money Makeover by David Ramsey and E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber, Amy pulls up a tasty morsel for us: The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton. Go show Amy’s podcast some love and pick up an audiobook she recommended! Then report back and tell us how your experience was. Show us some love! Tweet this episode: http://ctt.ec/3eLZ5 Subscribing, rating and reviewing the show: iTunes Books a Resources Mentioned You’re Broke Because You Want To Be by Larry Winget The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason As A Man Thinketh by James Allen The E-Myth Revisted by Michael E. Gerber Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Books Joel Osteen Books Zig Ziglar Books Star Wars Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Amy Robles - ThinkEnriched.com

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