Dick Wound and minimus maximus are joined this week by returning guest, Majikroxx. If you missed it the first time, you can hear his Radio-Active Spider Bite in Ep.002 - Oh, oh, oh, it's Majik. Today we discuss L I.C.K. Long Island Consensual Kink, a new organization for hosting bdsm classes and parties, and what it will do for the local community. We also talk a bit about his dungeon, Rancor Studios, and some upcoming events. This was sort of a last minute episode, as our original guest had to bow out. She had to undergo a small medical procedure the day we were scheduled to record. We look forward to rescheduling her soon, and wish her a speedy recovery. PLEASE RATE, REVIEW, and SUBSCRIBE to the show! Keep us ad free! Give us a buck or two:https://www.patreon.com/ocpkink Questions or comments for the show:offthecuffspodcast@gmail.comor - www.offthecuffs.us Find us on fetlife:www.fetlife.com/OfftheCuffswww.fetlife.com/Dick_Woundwww.fetlife.com/minimus_maximuswww.fetlife.com/Majikroxxwww.fetlife.com/RancorStudiosLI Follow us on Twitter: @ocpkink @DickWound @MinimusMaxim We're also on www.thecage.co Don't forget to check out our friend's podcasts: Will Sean Podcast? RISK! (friend of the show Kevin Allison's podcast Off the Cuffs: a kink and bdsm podcast