015 - Oink, Oink, Baby
Dick Wound and minimus maximus are joined this week by TheeNipster, to discuss being primal in the kink scene. We also get into exhibitionism, auralism, and scent related kinks. Last but not least, we discover her true feelings for a certain SAVED BY THE BELL stud. PLEASE RATE, REVIEW, and SUBSCRIBE to the show! Keep us ad free! Give us a buck or two:https://www.patreon.com/ocpkink Questions or comments for the show:offthecuffspodcast@gmail.com or - www.offthecuffs.us Find us on fetlife:www.fetlife.com/OfftheCuffswww.fetlife.com/Dick_Woundwww.fetlife.com/minimus_maximuswww.fetlife.com/TheeNipster Follow us on Twitter: @ocpkink @DickWound @MinimusMaxim We're also on www.thecage.co Don't forget to check out our friend's podcasts: Will Sean Podcast? RISK! (friend of the show Kevin Allison's podcast