Writing Excuses Episode 12: Submitting to Editors Part 1
This week, special guest Stacy Whitman joins us from Mirrorstone books (an imprint of Wizards of the Coast). Stacy works there as an editor, and helps us understand the submission process, including acting like a professional, doing your research, following submission guidelines, and all sorts of things NOT to do with your submissions. Stacy also shares her story about Holes, and how you have to know the rules to break them. Liner Notes: We've got a lot of links for you this week. First of all, Stacy keeps a blog on LiveJournal (slwhitman.livejournal.com), and she works for Mirrorstone, whose submission guidelines can be found here. Mentioned in the podcast: Kristen Nelson's Blog (You Know You Have Tired YA When...), the Hallowmere series, and Hallowmere's author Tiffany Trent. And this week from our sponsor Tor, Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow