AB 05 | GREAT Book Recommendations | Chat with Mark Des Cotes
Site: http://www.audiobooks.com/podcast Email: podcast@audiobooks.com In the latest installment of the Audiobooks.com Podcast, The Real Brian and Addy sit down to chat with an audiobook fan who has a most interesting story of how he came to start listening to audiobooks. Mark Des Cotes, a graphic designer and podcaster, joins the fray and adds represents the science fiction and fantasy book lovers. Mark is a great example of how audiobooks can encourage us to reach beyond the scope of our usual, go-to books. Like plays or radio programs, audiobooks are a dramatic performance and they seek to be entertaining, as well as interesting, informative, enlightening, etc. While Mark spent most of his teenage years, and possibly young adult life, reading mostly science fiction and fantasy, listening to audiobooks enabled him to take more chances with other genres. He soon grew to appreciate a wide variety of material. One of the greatest examples Mark gives of this shift in genre preference has to do with a lifestyle change. Recently, Mark took the plunge into the world of podcasting, now owning his own podcasting company, Solo Talk Media. His attention since then has shifted largely from fictional books to self-help and business related books. There truly are audiobooks for every kind of book lover! There will be audiobooks for when your tastes change, when your circumstances change, when you need a good laugh or a good cry, a good adventure or a good romance. How have audiobooks filled a niche in your life? Many recommendations were made in this podcast, so let us break it down for you. First off, Mark recommends some fiction authors: Clive Cussler, Patricia Cornwall, Kathy Reichs, and Dean Koontz. Brian, who is a huge fan of oceans and ships, asked to learn more from Mark about his suggestions for a ship-lover, knowing that Cussler’s repertoire contains many maritime thrillers. Mark is quick to cite The Oregon Files, which got their start in the Dirk Pitt series. You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear Mark get into the details of why he recommends this series! Last, but not least, Brian asks Mark the One Credit Question! If he had one free credit to spend on any book, which one would he choose? It’s difficult to choose a book, isn’t it? There are millions and millions of books. In light of this, Mark responds with a surprising, but very enlightening answer: he has favorite narrators and with that one free credit he’d look for a book narrated by Scott Brick. A huge thank-you to Mark for taking the time to talk with The Real Brian and Addy! Are you like Mark and have favorite narrators? Leave a comment to give other listeners recommendations! Show us some love! Tweet this episode: http://ctt.ec/3eLZ5 Subscribing, rating and reviewing the show: iTunes Books a Resources Mentioned Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card | Narrated by Stefan Rudnicki, Harlan Ellison Star Wars Shannara series by Terry Brooks A Feast For Crows: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin | Narrated by Roy Dotrice A Touch of Dead: Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris Clive Cussler Michael Connelly Patricia Cornwell Kathy Reich Dean Koontz James Patterson Stephan King Connect with Mark De Cotes The Under The Dome Podcast