Dr. Maria Sirois - Resilience and the True Meaning of Beauty
I still feel an afterglow after my conversation with Dr. Maria Sirois, a brilliant psychologist, teacher, speaker, author, and friend in the pursuit of spreading happiness. Maria and I, like many other of my guests, were supposed to meet at the World Happiness Summit, but COVID-19 had other plans. I'm so glad and grateful that she granted me a conversation for Slo Mo, because she drops some serious wisdom in this episode.
Maria is devoted to the science of well-being and the art of crafting a life and a career driven by health, passion and success. She focuses on the resilience of the human spirit, particularly when under chronic stress, during significant transitions, or feeling the shock of wholesale change. In other words, her mind and work are an invaluable source of silver linings during this time.
Listen as we discuss:
- COVID-19 as an opportunity for awakening
- The real meaning of beauty
- The innate wisdom of children and what their love of play can teach us
- The keystones of resilience
- Three questions we should ask ourselves to deliberately shape our days as we want to live them
This episode is part of our Silver Linings theme.
Instagram: @mo_gawdat
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Connect with Maria Sirois at mariasirois.com and on Facebook @DrMariaSirois
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