J1ST 119: CST Divorce

Today we are continuing our discussion of our call to marriage and family, as laid out by the USCCB and discussed in our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. 


Divorce is likely the very first topic from this book that you will need to address with your children. That’s how it worked for us! Unfortunately many people we know, both family and friends, have been through divorce, and that is so confusing for kids.


In these moments we need to reminds our kids of the following truths:

  • Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. 

  • Marriage is permanent and, as the Church teaches, nothing can dissolve the bond between a married man and woman.


Our exploration of divorce comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. Catholic Social Teaching for Youth is not on sale yet, but will be soon. Look for the book to be on sale in May!


In the meantime, please use this Catholic Social Teaching Cheat Sheet. It outlines what the Church teaches on each topic and offers you a brief description of the beauty we should reinforce as we teach. 

Get it here: https://omniform1.com/forms/v1/landingPage/61ba0f0cbe1f5d001d03c28e/64110c69b09e89c71966c120

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This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!


Your sister in the small things,


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