How To Take The Shame Out Of Sex
Have you ever experienced shame around your sexuality or what you want when having sex? For many people there is a lot of cultural and self imposed shame when it comes to sex. In this episode, Kevin and Celine will help you let go of the shame and realize that "Yes, there are lots of other people just like you." Do you have a question you want to have answered on the show? Or simply want to say hello? We’d love to hear from you! Send it all to Help us spread the word. If you enjoyed this show, leave a comment and share it with your friends. SUBSCRIBE, RATE a LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW FOR THE LOVE LAB PODCAST Listen to The Love Lab Podcast on your favorite platform: Subscribe to the show on iTunes Subscribe to the show on Stitcher Subscribe to the show on Spotify Subscribe to the show on iHeartRadio Subscribe to the show on YouTube For more FREE tips, join the Sex Vault. Get immediate access to an entire digital library of videos, ebooks, and resources to bring passion, connection, and skills to your relationship. Join our online program Power and Mastery, the most complete sexual mastery training for men. This comprehensive, jam-packed program will take you from average to superhero in the bedroom. It will teach you how to satisfy a woman in bed for your pleasure and hers and bring your sexual skills to mastery level. You are amazing.