EP003: Cincinnati’s token contribution
Chris and Jeff talk with Ken Shaner of Osborne Coinage in Cincinnati, the oldest private mint in the USA.
Osborne traces its history back before the Civil War and has created such notable items as Abraham Lincoln political memorabilia and the fiber tokens used for rationing during World War II. More recently the firm created Big Mac tokens that McDonald’s issued for the iconic burger’s 40th anniversary. Find out how the company is changing with the times to reflect the modern needs of custom minting.
Referenced Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theroyalmint/posts/2611235725617657:0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wang5581/status/1116711829013716993
This episode of the Coin World Podcast was sponsored by Amos Advantage:
Contact info:
Chris Bulfinch: cbulfinch@amosmedia.com
Jeff Starck: jstarck@amosmedia.com