Special Message to Empaths Married to High Level Narcissists
Empaths are highly perceptive, exquisitely sensitive individuals. They are attuned to their external and internal environments. They feel deeply and are often misunderstood by spouses, family members and the world at large. Empaths who are married to or partnered with high level narcissists have a particularly difficult journey. In this situation empaths can accumulate tremendous amounts of oxidative stress. Empaths are subject to chronic lying, primitive projections, humiliations, outrageous demands, pathological control - what you think, what you say. You have chronic insomnia, no rest, problems with digestion, no respite or solitude to be quietly with yourself. You have a time of clear recognition that you are entitled to moving forward as an independent, true self with all of your creative gifts, doing the work of transformation and evolution each day. Give yourself credit for taking these magnificent steps of rediscovering your original self. https://tinyurl.com/y39j2uke www.mhnrnetwork.com https://tinyurl.com/y3ss5clg