12: Shruthi Parker: Finding Your True Passions, Navigating Friendships and Starting Each Day with Purpose

We can all be our own worst critics, but sometimes we need someone else to give us a dose of Shruth. Shruthi Parker is a lifestyle blogger based in Austin, Texas who has an array of juicy life advice.  Shruthi shares how she discovered her passion for blogging and made it her full-time job, the importance of having a solid sense of self, and the beauty of acknowledging your current season of life. She shares how her different life experiences have shaped her and how she’s preparing for her next big life transition as a new mother. This episode has a little bit of wisdom for everyone, so you won’t want to miss out. Join Robin Long in this week’s interview on The Balanced Life.    Show Highlights:  What Shruthi’s career looks like and how she got into blogging  What goes into being an Uber driver and the life skills it builds  Treating your side hustle work as a full-time job from the beginning  Fighting for approval from family members and friends with a nontraditional job  Shruthi’s daily schedule and what she does weekly  How Shruthi determined when to bring on interns and the value they bring to her career   Shruthi’s current top priorities and how she balances her creativity  Finding time to nurture relationships during busy work seasons  How Shruthi is preparing and planning for being a new mother  Developing a solid sense of self and using that voice to establish a brand Overcoming the pressure from outside sources and setting boundaries on social media  Aspects of life that have taken a back seat during this season of life  Dealing with the consist intensity of trying to balance it all  Refocusing each day and practicing self-care daily  Rapid fire session of Shruthi’s favorite products and resources  How to discover the path you should pursue      Links:    Instagram: @thebalancedlife    5 Day Jumpstart:    https://thebalancedlifeonline.com/jumpstart/   Contact Shruthi:    https://thehonestshruth.com Instagram: @Thehonestshruth    Resources and Products Mentioned:    https://www.milkmakeup.com/blur-matte-setting-powder.html   https://jamieivey.com/category/podcast-2   https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/baby-411-ari-brown-md/1114831396#/

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