FROM FARM TO CITY – 2nd Edition
This story was written by Ethel M., one of the first female members of Akron Group 1 that met on Wednesday evenings at King’s School in Akron, Ohio. Though she didn’t get sober until May 1941, along with her husband Russ, by the time the Second Edition was published in 1955, Ethel was widely known as the "longest-sober lady" in the Akron/Cleveland region. Around the time that Ethel got sober, with the help of many male members of AA, there was noticeable resistance to women joining the men in meetings, much of which was expressed by the wives of those men. The social morays of the era were much harsher on women alcoholics than on men and there was concern about whether men would be able to stay sober with women alcoholics around. Even Dr. Bob initially expressed consternation about allowing female alcoholics into AA, but later capitulated, ironically turning women alcoholics, including Ethel M., over to his wife Anne for indoctrination into the Program. This early grappling with the differences between the sexes (regarding to their experience with alcoholism) paved the way for a Program in which men work with men and women work with women, and yet all work with the common purpose of staying sober and helping other alcoholics achieve sobriety. Ethel M’s story is fine example of this noble purpose. Despite its historical significance, "From Farm to City" was printed only in the Second and Third Editions of the Big Book. It will be heard as a "new" story by those who've only read stories from the Fourth Edition. Howard L, sober since January 1, 1988, presents this inspired reading of the Big Book and encourages listeners to revisit earlier podcast episodes that feature the main chapters and stories in the First Edition of the Big Book. Enjoy listening on our website,, or download and subscribe to the podcast for free at Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. If you have a minute, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Also join our facebook group, Big Book Podcast Listeners, where you can share your thoughts and experiences with fellow listeners.