The final two stories from the Personal Stories section of the first edition of Alcoholics Anonymous published in 1939. The 28th and 29th stories were printed only in first edition of the Big Book and are entitled “The Rolling Stone and “Lone Endeavor”. Of particular interest, “Lone Endeavor” contains a letter from Alcoholics Anonymous received by the author of the story. In it, the early AA founders acknowledged that “…this is the first time we have had an opportunity of trying to help an alcoholic at long distance.” It’s interesting that this story, like many others, was left out of the 2nd and subsequent editions of Alcoholics Anonymous, though they are no less powerful than other stories. For listeners who’ve never seen them, these stories will sound brand new. After these stories, the Big Book is concluded by the one Appendix at the end of the book. Howard L, sober since January 1988, presents an inspired reading of this story and encourages listeners to revisit earlier podcast episodes that feature the main chapters of the Big Book. Enjoy listening on our website,, or download and subscribe to the podcast for free at Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. And, if you have a minute, please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.