La Vergüenza A.K.A. Shame
Today we meet Zeahlot Lopez, LMFT. In this bilingual sesión, we talk about the intention of shame, intergenerational shame, shame in speaking Spanish, where this stems from and how you can work on shame, if you are not ready to enter into therapy. Most importantly, Zeahlot talks to us about her unique perspective of using shame as a strength and provides us with various tools. Zeahlot Lopez is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Cosmetologist in private practice in Sherman Oaks, CA. Her social media handle is: @VidaTherapy on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube a Instagram. Resources: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz The Gifts of Imperfecting Parenting by Brene Brown Shame Ted Talk Recursos: Los cuatro acuerdos: una guia practica para la libertad personal de Don Miguel Ruiz De la verguenza a la autoestima de Ligia Almono de Jenichen y Gladys Brites de Vila. TED: Escuchando a la vergüenza Let me know what you think about today's episode on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Find us @LatinxTherapy. This is also the Venmo handle if you would like to support the podcast. Thank you all for your continuous love and support!