Bipolar Disorder: It's Not What You Think
In sesión 3, Peruvian Elena Apaza, Board Certified Nurse Practitioner explores with me what Bipolar Disorder truly is and what it is not. She dives into the symptoms from the two different types of Bipolar Disorder, problems with diagnosing Bipolar Disorder, how this diagnosis is seen in our Latinx culture and what people in our community do when they do not get treatment. We also answer your questions and provide you all with language to use with someone who has disclosed this diagnosis to you. Elena Apaza graduated from Regis College in Boston. She is an Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Practitioner currently in Massachusetts. She works in an outpatient mental health community center and a crisis stabilization unit. She specializes in mood disorders but treats many different psychiatric conditions. Resources: Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: International Bipolar Foundation: NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness): Recursos En Español: NAMI: Línea de ayuda: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) (English, too) Mental Health America: Let me know what you thought about today’s episode! If you have any questions for myself or Elena, contact me on my social media pages or through email at FB: Official Latinx Therapy IG/Twitter: @LatinxTherapy