The Danger of the Yo-Yo Method
tDo you know about "yo-yo dieting," where people start a plan and lose weight, drop off the plan and gain it back, only to repeat that over and over? Did you know that each time that happens, it makes it harder to lose weight the next time? Did you know that this pattern places people at higher risk of other medical issues? Did you know that many people do the exact same thing in their efforts to save a marriage? They start working on things, even start making some progress. And then, they stop -- for many reasons, but in the end, they stop. And things get worse. So, they start again. It may take a little more effort and a little more time. But things get better. Then they stop. Guess what? Things get worse again. That is the Yo-Yo Method of saving a marriage. Don't Do It! Listen to this week's podcast and learn why it happens (and how to stop it). THEN CLICK HERE AND LET'S SOLVE IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL.