#8 Dr. Sue Johnson on Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples and Individuals
Dr. Sue Johnson is a clinical psychologist, researcher, professor, and a leading innovator in the field of couple’s therapy and adult attachment. Dr. Johnson is the founder of Emotionally Focused Couples and Family Therapy, which is backed by over 30 years of peer-reviewed clinical research. Dr. Johnson is founding Director of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) and Distinguished Research Professor at Alliant University in San Diego, California, as well as Professor Emeritus, Clinical Psychology, at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Johnson is the author of many books, including Hold Me Tight, Love Sense, and Created for Connection. Emotionally Focused Therapy builds on the idea that adult relationships are complex, and it gives therapists a guide to help their clients in couples therapy. EFT seeks to help the couple bond and become a secure base for each other. EFT is a short-term and structured therapeutic approach, which teaches couples how to change negative communication patterns so they can feel closer and more connected to each other. The emerging research on neuroscience validates the importance of healthy attachments. When there is a breakdown in our relationships, our brains interpret this as danger, which leads to a fight-or-flight response. EFT seeks to help a couple bond and become a secure base for each other. Dr. Sue Johnson on Twitter: @Dr_SueJohnson