#4 What is Detox? Justin Capote, M.D. Interview
Justin Capote, MD is Board Certified in both adult psychiatry and consultation-liaison psychiatry and was appointed to the American Health Council Board of Physicians for his outstanding contributions to improving mental health. Dr. Capote has extensive experience working in hospital, community, and emergency room settings. He has expertise in treating conditions related to medication overuse and misuse, withdrawal syndromes, age-related comorbidities, and common psychiatric symptoms, such as anxiety, anger, and depression. Dr. Capote is a graduate of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and a member of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. Detox is time-limited treatment to assist with withdrawal from substance use. A medical intervention designed to assist with withdrawal from the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and drugs. Withdrawal treatment can be performed in an inpatient, residential, or ambulatory setting and provides medically safe, professional, and supportive care, while also preparing and motivating individuals to continue treatment in an outpatient setting. Withdrawing from alcohol can be uncomfortable and, in certain cases, cause serious health risks. There are several detox options which include pharmacological and psychological treatment under the supervision of both medical and mental health professionals. Detox can be performed in outpatient, hospital or residential setting, but is only the first step. Relapse is a very real possibility unless armed with the tools to stay on the path of recovery. Motivational Interviewing is an excellent therapy modality to explore once detox is completed.