Anne Therese Gennari - Disrupting the Modeling Industry for a Better World
In this episode of Slo Mo, I speak with my friend Anne Therese Gennari, an ex-model, entrepreneur, sustainability coach, and stubborn believer in collective, positive change. In 2017, she co-founded Role Models Management, a talent agency that puts ethics, sustainability, and social justice at its core and gives models a voice to speak up about things they believe in, demonstrating that empowered models can help shift pop-culture in the direction needed for a better world.
Anne Therese's spirit is contagious, and she is an unabashed believer in the power of the individual to change the world. I first met her when she invited me onto her own podcast, Hey Change, via a totally random Facebook Friend Request. I quickly discovered that she is an entrepreneurial force who does not see a divide between business and the desire to do good.
Listen as we discuss:
- Her own journey as a model and subsequent disillusionment with the state of the industry
- Her charge to found a modeling agency that focused on turning models into real role models
- The interesting notion that models aren't really models from the engineering point of view
- How she was inspired by the #MeToo movement to tell her own story as a victim of sexual harassment
- Why optimism is a crucial complement to the very real warnings surrounding climate change
Instagram: @mo_gawdat
Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
Twitter: @mgawdat
LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
Connect with Anne Therese Gennari on Instagram @annetheresegennari and @rolemodelsmgmt
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