Episode 54: Married at First Sight The First Night
Lifetime’s Married at First Sight continued this week with airing the couples’ first nights together. One of the rooms needs to be quarantined now, while another needs a good sage burning to clear it of hostility and disappointment. Join Jodie as she nicknames some of the guys & fondly recalls some Michael Scott quotes. NEW UPDATED SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSPATREON BONUS EPISODES www.patreon.com/realitvpod IG & Twitter @RealiTVpodwww.instagram.com/realitvpodwww.twitter.com/realitvpod RealiTV Podcast FB Snark https://www.facebook.com/groups/114353442610036/ YouTube https://tinyurl.com/y7bybsev Stream: www.realitvpod.podbean.com