Ep #51: Fearing Your Life Without Binge Eating
What do you imagine your life without binge eating to look like? Do you get excited when you think about it or a bit apprehensive? There's lots of unknowns about that life so it would make sense if there was some fear and concern about it. But if you allow yourself to continually be in fear, then you will resist the change. You will stay in what's familiar. In this episode, I'm talking about why you may be fearful of stopping binge eating and how you can flip it into excitement about what's possible. Once you're feeling excited about change, that's when it actually happens. So listen in so you can visualize your ideal future and create it. Interested in working with me? Sign up for a free mini session so you can see what coaching is like and get all the information you need! http://www.coachkir.com/mini Find show notes and more information at http://www.coachkir.com/51