Ep #36: Building Confidence to Stop Binge Eating
Are you waiting to feel confident that you can stop binge eating before you start trying what you've been learning on this podcast? Well stop waiting. It's not going to happen if you don't. In this episode, I'm showing you why you don't feel confident yet and how you can build it. There's a process to it and it's not a super fun one, but going through it is what will give you that confidence you're looking for. Also, it's nothing you haven't done before, you've gone through this process, you probably just didn't realize it. So I'm going to break it down for you so you know exactly how to make it happen. Interested in working with me? Sign up for a free mini session so you can see what coaching is like and get all the information you need! http://www.coachkir.com/mini Find show notes and more information at http://www.coachkir.com/36