#166: Can I Build Up the Men in My Life? With Becky Thompson and Mark Pitts

You know, I think there is an encouragement deficit in our world today. We hear all the time how we can improve this or how we should stop doing that. But less often we get caught doing something right! Just a simple pat on the back goes a long way.

And, you know who I think could really use some encouragement? Men. I want to be part of building up the men in my life and I know you do too. So, on today’s podcast, we will hear from the authors of Midnight Dad. Dr. Mark Pitts and Becky Thompson get real practical about how to encourage a dad, how a man can find the wisdom he needs from Scripture and how men can resolve to be the best fathers they can be. This is such a powerful conversation, and I can't wait for you to hear it!

SHOW NOTES: 413Podcast.com/166

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