What the Coronavirus Pandemic Means for Courts
What the Coronavirus Pandemic Means for Children's Courts In Los Angeles, the Edelman Children’s courthouse has been closed for most of the week because of the outbreak. It handles some of our state’s most delicate cases, those of children allegedly abused or neglected. The courthouse is set to reopen Friday. But like so much this week, that could change. Reporter: Deepa Fernandes Judges Ask Justice Dept. to Close Immigration Courts It’s a different story in another corner of our justice system: immigration courts. Immigration udges are calling for the Department of Justice to shut down them down to protect staff and immigrant defendants from coronavirus. Guest: Judge Ashley Tabaddor, President of the National Association of Immigration Judges What To Do With Detained Migrants During the Outbreak Immigrant advocates say detained migrants should be released because it's risky to hold them in close quarters in I.C.E. facilities during an outbreak. The Trump administration's plan is to turn away asylum seekers and other undocumented immigrants trying to enter the U.S. at the southern border. Reporter: Farida Jhabvala Romero