Ep 1: An Exploration of Distraction
What distracts us and what to do about it. Dr. Dan Levitin, Ned’s guest, neuroscientist and author of The Organized Mind, will explore why humans are so easily distracted and how to stay focused. We’ll hear from a wide range of people about their own distractions and how they deal with them. And, we’ll talk to someone whose advice very well may save your life. What distracts you? Send us your thoughts and questions to connect@distractionpodcast.com and you might be included in a future episode! Links mentioned in this show: Texting and Driving Laws: http://www.ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/bystate/index.html Daniel Levitin's Book, The Organized Mind: http://www.daniellevitin.com/theorganizedmind/ Closing Music from Focus@Will: https://www.focusatwill.com/