WARNING! Haunting Myths, Wicca & Real Witchcraft Incidents ft. Sarbajeet M. | The Ranveer Show 308
Check out my Meditation app: Level SuperMind Android - https://lvl.fit/androiddownload Ios - https://lvl.fit/iosdownload Join the Level Community Here: https://linktr.ee/levelsupermindcommunity In this fantastic episode of TRS, we present to you a very special guest - Sarbajeet Mohanty. He is a paranormal investigator and demonologist. He researches the existence of ghosts and spirits and investigates paranormal activities by visiting different places. He also travels to places containing myths and figures out whether these stories have any truth. In this episode, Sarbajeet Mohanty shares his belief that crystals are neutral until they are given negative energy by a person. He dismisses the notion that crystals can be portals to hell or negativity, stating that a crystal shop can have a lot of crystals and not get haunted because the crystals are programmed to emit positivity. The video also delves into the rise of witchcraft and Wicca as a spiritual practice. Hope you enjoy this one. (0:00) - Ranveer x Sarbajeet Begins (1:35) - Purpose behind a ghost hunter (3:08) - What are portals? (5:25) - What are crystals? (11:30) - Salem Witch Trials & more (20:05) - Why crystals are used in Black Magic? (22:00) - What is 'dark magic'? (51:03) - Harry Potter demonic plots (54:00) - Demonic experiences (1:10:00) - Power of Mantras and Faith (1:14:00) - Honey Singh on satan (1:15:30) - Devil possession & soul (1:21:30) - Does Illuminati exist? (1:26:00) - Power of demonic symbols (1:31:00) - Thank you for watching