SPA Delhi: The Cradle of Transport Planning Education in India
Welcome to The Transportation Podcast, by VERCOS.
In our 1st episode of this podcast, our hosts Amit and Javed, went down the memory lane, to the cradle of Transport Planning in India, the Transport Planning Department (TPD) of School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), New Delhi. At SPA, our hosts visited Professor Sanjay Gupta, Head of Transport Planning Department, and in a candid interview, Prof. discussed:
- The legacy of the Transport Planning Department
- His own journey from being a student to the HOD in his Alma Mater and his teaching experiences at other universities such as Leeds UK
- Present student batches and the placement scenario at TPD
- Advice for new aspirants and what to expect once they become part of SPA and
- His views on the capacity gaps in government institutions
- Lastly, he reached out to all the alumni of TPD to come forward and make the department stronger than ever at the upcoming Golden Jubilee Celebration in mid-2020
We hope all our listeners will enjoy this very first episode of the Transportation podcast by Vercos. Please subscribe, The Transportation Podcast, by VERCOS. Your hosts Amit Singh Baghel and Javed Ahsan will be back shortly with another interesting and informative episode.
Till then, keep walking!
Disclaimer: The views expressed on The Transportation Podcast by the guest/s are solely his/her/their own, and do not represent the opinion/s of Vercos or it's founders, directors, employees and its affiliates in any way.
Music from
"Cheery Monday" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (