#138 - Neurotype Training and The Personality Diet with Mike Millner
To watch this episode, please visit Rachel’s YouTube channel.
Listeners can find Mike Millner at his website www.Neurotypetraining.com , and on Instagram @coach_mike_millner
Mike Millner has been a high-level nutrition coach for almost 10 years. He has a gift for understanding the psychological and physiological needs of his clients, which has led to thousands of success stories. His personality-based approach with an emphasis on mindset has been featured in Thibarmy.com, Nutritional Coaching Institute, Ever Forward Radio, True Transformation, and many others.
Mike believes the most important thing is connecting with you and understanding where you’re at in your journey. Personally, he has been on every end of the spectrum when it comes to dieting and everywhere in between. He’s been ashamed, insecure, overweight, orthorexic, skinny fat, and finally embarrassed to step foot in the gym. But he’s come out the other side into a place of balance, harmony, and good health.
Mike’s goal is to help as many people as possible to navigate through life as a healthy individual in a way that’s sustainable and enjoyable. As Mike would tell you – your personality is the key.
In this episode, we chat all about the mind and body connection, three personality types and how to align your nutrition with each one, why chronic dieting could be working against your goals, and much more!
“The middle ground is where the magic happens.” Mike Millner
Top Takeaways:
- Benefits of aligning your nutrition goals with your personality traits
- Mikes breakdown of personality types in 5 different categories and how to structure nutrition plans based on personality type
- Why always eating less is ultimately leading to weight gain
- Ditching the all or nothing mindset
Show Notes:
- [0:00] Rachel gives a brief bio about guest Mike Millner to the listeners
- [1:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Rachel welcomes guest Mike Millner @coach_mike_millner to the listeners
- [1:30] Keto + CrossFit & Metabolic Flexibility with Rachel Gregory
- [1:30] Mike dives into his life journey and what lead him into the nutrition and fitness industry
- [5:30] How Mike’s podcast got its name: Mind Over Macros
- [7:00] Question: How do you think personality plays a role in individualized nutrition?
- [8:00] “Stop Fighting Against Your Personality” Christian Thibodeau
- [10:30] Neurotransmitter Systems that drive the majority of a person's behavior
- [13:30] What is glutamate?
- [19:00] Three personality types and how nutrition aligns within each one
- [25:00] Question: Can you explain why always eating less and being in a deficit can actually hinder fat loss in some circumstances?
- [32:00] Question: How do you approach your clients when it comes to spending time in a maintenance phase and getting out of a chronic dieting phase?
- [40:00] Question: Is there anything from a psychological standpoint that helps you to explain to your clients that it's not perfection that makes the difference, it's consistency over time?
- [43:30] “As long as you keep moving forward, consistency is going to be the most important part of this process.”
- [46:00] “The middle ground is where the magic happens.”
- [46:00] Question: Is there anything that you've changed your mind about in the past year? And why?
- [47:30] You can find Mike Millner on IG @coach_mike_millner or his Mind Over Macros podcast wherever you tune into listening. You can take the personality assessment at neurotypetraining.com
- [48:30] Thanks for listening to another episode! If you’re loving MetFlex and Chill and want to help grow the show, please head over to Itunes and leave a rating and review! How to Leave an Apple Podcast Review: First, Open the podcast app on your iPhone, Mac, or iPad. Then, hit the “Search” tab at the bottom right-hand corner of the page and search for MetFlex and Chill. Select the podcast, scroll down to find the subheading “Ratings & Reviews”. and select “Write a Review.” Next, select the number of stars you’d like to leave. Please choose 5 stars! Using the text box which says “Title,” write a title for your review. Then in the text box, write the review itself. The review can be up to 300 words long, but doesn’t need to be much more than: “Love the show! Thanks!” or “Rachel provides wonderful content from a multitude of expert guests!” Once you’re done select “Send” in the upper right-hand corner.
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Rachel Gregory is a Board-Certified Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Podcaster, and founder of MetFlex Life. She is also the author of the international best-selling book, "21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge."
Rachel received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami. Rachel completed the first-ever human clinical trial looking at the effects of the Ketogenic Diet in non-elite CrossFit athletes, which is published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
Currently, in her day-to-day coaching business, Rachel guides her clients to becoming the best, most confident version of themselves. She has a passion for educating those dedicated to optimizing their physical and mental well-being while improving long-term health and fitness goals. Her most popular course, Keto for Women, has helped women all across the world learn how to ditch the restrictive, all-or-nothing mindset associated with keto and instead thrive through the power of metabolic flexibility.
You can connect and learn more about Rachel's work by visiting her website www.metflexlife.com
Social Links:
- Youtube: @rachelgregory
- Instagram: @rachelgregory.cns
- TikTok: @metflexlife
- Facebook: @metflexlife
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