Evaluation of Stridor
This podcast deals with stridor. Five common causes of acute stridor are discussed, along with the appropriate management in each case. This podcast was written by Chris Gerdung and reviewed by Dr. Melanie Lewis. Chris is a medical student at the University of Alberta. Dr. Lewis is a general pediatrician at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. She is also the Year 3 Clerkship Director for Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. These podcasts are designed to give medical students an overview of key topics in pediatrics. The audio versions are accessible on iTunes. You can find more great pediatrics content on www.pedscases.com. Related Content: Case: Breathing difficulty in a 12 year old boy Case: Fever, cough and stridor in a 4 year old girl Case: Foreign body aspiration in an infant Case: Fever and sore throat in a 3 year old male Case: Runny nose, cough and sore throat in a 2 year old girl