Tiger Country - Episode Nine: The Sickest Gallbladder I Ever Did See
In this episode, which is the second in a row that was recorded without me, Milos and DuBose interview Dr. Kevin Schuster, a Professor of General Surgery, Trauma, and Surgical Critical Care at Yale. I am reminded, as I listen, to my very first question in my very first room of my general surgery oral boards. A cardiac surgery patient with sepsis, likely intraabdominal. Was it acalculous cholecystitis? It was. Did I completely blank out? I did indeed. Did I say, "I'm going to get a CT scan," and was I met with an abrupt transition to the next patient? Yes and yes. Did my realization of my error lead to my conviction that I had irrevocably failed my oral exam? Yes. Did that conviction relax me for the remainder of the day and make me think more clearly and speak more fluidly? Also yes.