645 - Potato Doug VS Gambling Doug
Oh my gawd! I don’t think we’ve had a show like this in a good while. While I’m thinking about it and it’s top of mind, make sure you check out SBK’s new podcast that he’s recording now that he’s no longer on The Bone in Tampa. (For those that don’t know, that’s a radio station. Kevin was the night’s host for the last few years or so.) SoulBrotherKevin.com is where you need to be. Kevin calls in and then we say F a break and roll right into Ross’ news! So, yeah! That’s why the notes are going to be lit this week; there’s a ton of good show to get to here.
On this week's show:
* SBK calls in
* The birds are here
* Tampa radio
* Thriving and throbbers
* Mike Miagi
* Rolling Stones pull racist song
* Ross got his shoes spit on
* Lady cut the safety rope on painters outside of building
* Milk your pumpkins
* Sea Mountain
* Tomye West of podcasting
* Pony Up Doug
* Our Twitter got hacked
* Russian hacker hired by Tony
* Sexy squid wig
I’m off to try and find some overalls. :)
Love you more,