Panel on Applying for Residency with Drs. Nandini Gandhi, Fasika Woreta and Jessica Chow
This week, we talk with the program directors at UC Davis, the Wilmer Eye Institute and Yale about all the questions you had about applying for residency, especially in the time of COVID19. Topics ranged from application timing, how to contact your dream program for an interview, how much Step 1 and 2 really matter and much more. If you are applying, please help with a survey being conducted by a team from around the US about how COVID19 is impacting your application cycle; we hope this will give program directors information which will make for a more fair application process: If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Ninani Kombo, MD, at If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, or you have complaints about this research, you can call the Yale Institutional Review Boards at (203) 785-4688 or email Finally, check out Dr. Jay Sridhar's excellent interview of this same panel at his podcast "Straight from the Cutter's Mouth" where he discusses medical education and how to be a program director: