Your CRNI® 2020 Recertification Solution
Host: Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI® – INS Clinical Education a Publications Manager Guests: · Chris Hunt, MBA, INS Executive Vice President · Valerie Sanchez, INCC Certification Administrator INCC wants to help you obtain the RUs that you will need for recertification, as we know that maintaining your CRNI® credential is instrumental for your infusion therapy practice. You are busy working on the front lines of a pandemic, but feeling confident, supported and equipped as a practicing CRNI®, is important to you. Assuming you are missing a significant number of RUs, or all 40, you are encouraged to look in the INS LEARNING CENTER for INS 2020 Virtual Conference Recordings Package. · This activity conveniently gives you access to every session from INS 2020, in one place. · As an INS member you can get access at a discounted rate of $695. · Watch your favorite 20 sessions on-demand and get the 40 RUs needed for recertification. It’s that easy! Resources: · INS 2020 Virtual Conference Recordings Package – · INS 2020 Virtual Conference Sessions - INS Learning Center: INS 2020 Virtual Conference Recordings Package ( · CRNI® Recertification Basics - Recertification - INS ( · Recertification Options - Recertification RU Options - INS (