Ownership of Nursing Practice and the Importance of Certification
Host: Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI® – INS Clinical Education a Publications Manager Guests: Elizabeth Dow, MSN, CRNI®, IGCN, VA-BC • Randall E. Barnes, RN, VA-BC, CRNI®, - President and CEO of IV Solutions Want to get excited about Infusion Nursing? Listen to this encouraging, dynamic conversation with Elizabeth (Beth) Dow and Randall Barnes, who encourage all nurses to “own their practice, have command of knowledge, pursue certification and advance the nursing profession.” Beth Dow is the award recipient of the INS Award for Excellence in Certification. This award is presented to a CRNI® whose certification through INCC has advanced the welfare of their patients, organization or the infusion specialty. Resources: CRNI Certification: https://www.ins1.org/crni-certification/ Certification Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.ins1.org/crni-certification/information/frequently-asked-questions/ CRNI Certification: https://www.ins1.org/crni-certification/information/study-information/ CRNI Resource Information: https://www.ins1.org/crni-resources/