The Cummerbund of Charisma
Greetings, Mortals!
Our heroes Adramire Molock and Ælar Drakal take a journey to the Moon in an attempt to find the final magical item needed to unlock Adramire's true power. But will they find what they seek? After all, the Moon is in pretty rough shape after Ælar unleashed a planet-drowning tidal wave of blood that still plagues the people today. Find out what happens when our heroes crash a famous Moon festival and find a long-lost love of Ælar's trapped in a cage. ...Will he ever remember her name?
Break the Dice is an improvised podcast in the style of a classic D&D adventure.
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Our performers:
Game Master / Allen Voigt: Instagram: @prettgoodstories
Ælar Drakal / Tyler Michaels King: Website:, Insta: @tylermichaelsking, Twitter: @tylermichaels
Adramire Molock / Joe Rapp: Twitter and Instagram: @fakejoerapp
NPC / Maria Bartholdi: Twitter and Instagram: @MissMariapants
NPC / MJ Marsh: Instagram: @mj_marsh_
NPC / Tyler Mills: Twitter: @tydmills
Accompanist / Jack Barrett: Website:, Instagram: @jackbarrettmusic
Some background ambiance courtesy of: Tabletop Audio // Support them on Patreon
Enter our November Giveaway Courtesy of our Sponsor Mox Boarding House